


21 Norreys Road Cumnor Oxford, OX2 9PT






Demolition of current extension and construction of new ground floor extension to lead up to neighbouring development.  Proposal of new first-floor extension for new master ensuite.  Reconfiguration of existing internal layouts.  Replace and install new roof lights.  Replace and install new metal-framed glazing.


(As amended by plans received 13/07/22)




Alison Jenner

Judy Roberts



Mr Dan James



Kerry Street






Planning Permission subject to the following conditions:




1 : Commencement 3 years - Full Planning Permission

2 : Approved plans *



3 : Materials in Accordance with Application

4 : Car Parking

5 : Bike Storage

6 : Obscured Glazing (Non-Opening)

7 : Rooflight Sill Height Facing West and East

8 : Restriction on use of roof as balcony






This application comes to committee at the request of Ward Councillor, Judy Roberts.




The property, a semi-detached house, is located in a well-established residential area of Cumnor. Neighbouring houses to either side are no.19 to the east and no.23 to the west. Nos.18 and 20 are opposite while to the rear are dwellings on Cumnor Hill. There is an existing vehicular access obtained via Norreys Road.




This application seeks planning permission for the following;


·         Demolition of the existing single storey rear extension

·         Construction of a new single storey rear extension

·         Construction of a new first floor rear extension

·         Reconfiguration of the existing internal layouts including a garage conversion

·         Replacement and installation of new roof lights

·         Replacement and installation of new metal-framed glazing




A slight amendment was submitted on 13 July to change the proposed loft space from a bedroom to a studio space. In view of the minor nature of this change, which has not affected the external design or appearance of the proposal, the amendment was not the subject of consultation.




A site location plan is provided below, and the plans are attached at Appendix 1.







The full version of the consultation responses are on the planning application pages of the council’s website




Cumnor Parish Council 


Objects on the following grounds;

·         Overdominance

·         Overshadowing

·         Loss of light

·         Overlooking

·         Lack of car parking provision detailed in application

·         No bike storage provision


Councillor Judy Roberts

Objects on the following grounds:

·         Over-development

·         Overdominance

·         Loss of Light

·         Parking concerns


Highways Liaison Officer (Oxfordshire County Council)

No objection

Subject to a condition being imposed to retain two parking spaces on the frontage





P12/V1714/HH - Approved (25/09/2012)

Proposed single storey lean to rear extension


P07/V0922 - Approved (10/07/2007)

Erection of a rear extension


P04/V1068 - Approved (03/08/2004)

Erection of two storey side extension and loft conversion. Planning Application History





Householder development does not fall within the defined scope for potential EIA development.





The main relevant planning considerations are the following:


·         Impact on the character and appearance of the area

·         Residential amenity

·         Access and parking



Impact on the Character and Appearance of the Area

Policy CP37 of LPP1 and policy DBC1 of the Cumnor Neighbourhood Plan (CNP) seeks to ensure high quality design and respect for the key positive characteristics of the locality of a development. The Joint Design Guide SPD also seeks to ensure that residential extensions are well designed and appropriate for their location.



The proposed single storey element of the proposal will replace an existing smaller extension currently on site. This projects approximately 2.1m from the rear of the dwelling. The proposed replacement extension will at its deepest (to the east of the plot), will project an additional 6m, and to the west it will project an additional 3m. This element of the proposal will allow for a large open plan kitchen, living and dining area to the rear of the property. The dwelling benefits from a large rectangular rear garden currently approximately 220sq.m in area. Including the proposed decking area to the rear of the proposed extension, the garden will still be in excess of 170sq.m. This comfortably exceeds the Joint Design Guide minimum standard for a house of this size which is 100sq.m. Therefore officers consider the proposal does not have a detrimental impact on the useable garden area and does not amount of overdevelopment of the site.



The proposed first floor extension and internal reconfiguration will allow space for two larger bedrooms and larger family bathroom. In addition, an open office space is also proposed. The first-floor element will project 4.9 metres from the rear elevation of the dwelling and will have a pitched gable end roof. The ridge has been set down below that of the main dwelling in line with the council’s adopted Joint Design Guide.



The proposed extensions will be contained to the rear of the site and not viewed from the street scene. The existing garage door will be replaced with a window. The proposed works will be completed using a mixture of render, blue engineering brickwork and timber cladding. The existing fenestration will also be changed to metal framed glazing. These materials are common in the locality.



In light of the points raised above, officers are satisfied that the proposal will not cause harm to the visual amenity of the area. The proposed development is therefore considered to comply with Policy CP37 of LPP1, policy DBC1 of CNP and the provisions of the adopted Joint Design Guide.



Residential amenity

DP23 of the LPP2 requires that new developments do not result in significant adverse impacts on the amenity of neighbouring uses through loss of privacy, daylight, sunlight, dominance or visual intrusion amongst other factors.



The proposed single storey rear extension will have a flat roof. The eastern side which projects further into the plot, will measure 3.7m in height. It will be set away from the shared boundary with no.21 by approximately 2m. The smaller, western part of the extension will measure 3m in height. This is a similar height to the single storey rear extension previously approved and built at no.23 Norreys Road, next door. The depth of the extension is also similar to that of no.23. The proposed first floor element of the proposal has been assessed against the 45-degree rule as outlined within the Joint Design Guide and has an acceptable impact upon the neighbouring properties.



Concerns have been raised with regards to potential overlooking due to the first floor side windows (bathrooms) and the proposed side-facing rooflights. These concerns have been noted. To ensure that no harmful overlooking is caused as a result of these openings, it is considered too be reasonable and necessary to condition this application to ensure that the first floor side windows are obscure glazed and fixed shut, and that the proposed rooflights on both sides of the new extension are fitted with a sill height of no lower than 1.7m.



Overall, subject to conditions being imposed, it is considered that the development would not cause harm to the neighbouring properties in terms of loss of light, overlooking or visual dominance. As such, the proposal complies with policy DP23 and the provisions of the adopted Joint Design Guide



Access and parking

Policies CP35 and CP37 of LPP1, policy DP16 of LPP2, and policy TI1 of CNP aim to protect highway safety and ensure sustainable transport options.



The proposal would convert the existing garage but make no change to the number of bedrooms, which remains at three. The application plans show there is sufficient space on the frontage to provide two parking spaces that meet necessary standards. With regards to the concerns over bike storage, there is space either within the house or the garden to provide covered, secure bike storage, and this can be reasonably controlled by a condition.



The county highways officer has been consulted, and has assessed the proposal on the basis that the studio space on the loft could be used as a fourth bedroom in the future. The site is within walking distance of bus stops on Cumnor Hill and is in a relatively sustainable location. On this basis, even were it a four bedroom house, he does not object to the proposal subject to the two parking spaces being retained free of obstruction. This can be controlled by a condition. As such the proposal complies with the requirements of policies CP35 and CP37 of LPP1, policy DP16 of LPP2, and policy TI1 of CNP.





Overall, officers consider the outcome of the planning balance is that the proposal complies with the provisions of the development plan, in particular policies CP35, CP37, DP16 and DP23 of the adopted Vale of White Horse Local Plan 2031, and policies DCB1 and TI1 of the Cumnor Neighbourhood Plan. The proposal is also considered to comply with the provisions of the National Planning Policy Framework and the council’s adopted Joint Design Guide SPD 2022.




The following planning policies have been taken into account:



Vale of White Horse Local Plan 2031 Part 1 policies;


CP35 - Promoting Public Transport, Cycling and Walking

CP37 - Design and Local Distinctiveness


Vale of White Horse Local Plan 2031 Part 2 policies;


DP16 - Access

DP23 - Impact of Development on Amenity


Cumnor Neighbourhood Plan 2021 (CNP) policies;

DCB1 - General Design Principles in the Parish

TI1 - Sustainable Transport


National Planning Policy Framework


National Planning Practice Guidance


Joint Design Guide SPD 2022


Equalities Act 2010

The proposal has been assessed against section 149 of the Equalities Act. It is considered that no identified group will suffer discrimination as a result of this proposal.


Human Rights Act, 1998

The application has been assessed against Schedule 1, Part 1, Article 8, and against Schedule 1, Part 2, Article 1 of the Human Rights Act, 1998. The harm to individuals has been balanced against the public interest and the officer recommendation is considered to be proportionate.



Author: Kerry Street


Telephone: 01235 422600